Published by Stancho StanchevLeave your thoughts
<p>These days a lot of people practicing Quality Assurance tend to be judges to developer’s mistakes. That is wrong! One […]</p>
Published by Stancho StanchevLeave your thoughts
<p>… we cannot do anything (almost) to lower the intrinsic cognitive load… That’s the catch – almost. What can we […]</p>
Published by Stancho StanchevLeave your thoughts
<p>No doubt that we have seen differently build UIs. Some are funny, others are intelligent. Intelligent are those which kind […]</p>
Published by Stancho StanchevLeave your thoughts
<p>UI is not the answer. After a user installs an application and starts to tinker with it, a process of […]</p>
Published by Stancho StanchevLeave your thoughts
<p>There are different ways to separate “regular” and “pro” flavours of given product.Mostly these flavours are separated by the functionality […]</p>
Published by Stancho StanchevLeave your thoughts
<p>Cosine Similarity is an algorithm for comparing text documents without taking into account their sizes. The algorithm is based on […]</p>
Published by Stancho StanchevLeave your thoughts
<p>Did you ever wonder how the classic programming introductory problem “write ‘Hello World’ ” will look like on Quantum computer? […]</p>